The Irish government hasn’t issued a leaflet telling girls to stay indoors after 6pm

25 March 2025
What was claimed

A leaflet created by the Irish Centre for Diversity and the Irish government tells girls to stay indoors after 6pm because of “new arrivals to the area” who are “not accustomed to Irish cultural norms”.

Our verdict

False. Both the Irish Centre for Diversity and the Irish government confirmed they did not create, and are not associated with, these leaflets.

An image being shared online appears to show a leaflet advising girls to stay indoors after 6pm that was supposedly created by both the Irish Centre for Diversity and the Irish government. But it was not issued by either of these bodies.

The photo shows a hand holding what appears to be a leaflet or poster. Text on the page says: “Girls to stay indoors after 6pm (until further notice) New arrivals to this area are not accustomed to Irish cultural norms at this transitionary time.” Smaller text at the bottom of the page says: “Irish Centre for Diversity a partnership with Railtas nd hEireann [sic]”. This refers to the Irish name for the Government of Ireland (Rialtas na hÉireann), but it has been misspelt. 

The image has been shared with captions including: “IS THIS TRUE???  Apparently being handed out in a Southern Irish town”.

But this leaflet has not been made or issued by the Irish Centre for Diversity, which works with businesses on diversity and inclusion, or the Irish government. 

A spokesperson for the Irish Centre for Diversity told Full Fact that they are not associated with the poster or the social media posts sharing the image. 

A spokesperson for the Irish government’s Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) also confirmed to us that the poster was not published by the Irish government. 

The poster does not match the style of either official posters released by the Irish government, which include the national coat of arms in the bottom right corner, or material published by the Irish Centre for Diversity. 

This is not the first time the leaflet has been shared online—it was debunked elsewhere in 2023. 

We’ve written about other examples of fabricated posters being shared with false claims they were made by organisations like the NHS, Extinction Rebellion and Amnesty International

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